Elvis Costello
Despite the charges of some purists, jazz was alive in the hands of a few veterans at Newport Jazz 2024, as well as newcomers sharing their own voices in the tradition.
Read MoreElvis Costello loves to visit various regions of the past but wouldn’t dare move to any of them permanently.
Read MoreAge certainly wasn’t an issue in terms of energy. Elvis Costello played for a solid two hours with barely a break, running through four decades of music with a heavy emphasis on the old favorites.
Read MoreFor all his verbal ingenuity, rousing chord progressions, and cynical smartass wit, Elvis Costello’s always tucked a raw, beating heart beneath his jaunty shades and devil-may-care grin.
Read MoreWhat could have simply passed for a nostalgic classic-rock spin turned out to be an expansive smorgasbord, frustratingly uneven at times, yet given to flashes of fervor and surprise.
Read MoreDino Cattaneo saw an opportunity to mark another ruby anniversary with the help of “killer” – his word of choice – local artists.
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