
Film Review: “The Monuments Men” — Saving Great Art from the Nazis

February 20, 2014
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If George Clooney can rev up our righteous indignation decrying the barbarities of Joe McCarthy, why on earth couldn’t he become eloquent when it comes to talking about fighting to keep Hitler’s mitts off Michelangelo?

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Book Review: “Trieste” — A Vivid and Lurid Chronicle of Horrors

February 19, 2014
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As fiction, “Trieste” is almost entirely a dense tapestry of thinking, remembering, agonizing and raging.

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Theater Review: “Witness Uganda” — From Africa, With Schmaltz

February 17, 2014
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“Witness Uganda” is a quintessential American musical — a work of cultural tourism that condemns cultural tourism.

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Theater Review: Actors’ Shakespeare Project Mounts a Memorable “Cherry Orchard”

February 16, 2014
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Director Melia Bensussen handles the dialogue skillfully, but she also has an eye for creating vivid stage pictures which reinforce Chekhov’s dramatic themes.

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Theater Review: “Absence” — Movingly Moving Toward the Null Point

February 14, 2014
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The protagonist may necessarily be passive in the face of his or her diminishing mental condition, but art must rage against the dying of the light.

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Classical CD Reviews: Smetana and Janacek — String Quartets, Schoenberg and Berg — Music for Strings (Harmonia Mundi)

February 11, 2014
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Two new recordings from Harmonia Mundi offer gripping performances, including one of the Smetana String Quartet no.1 that’s particularly full of fire and life.

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Album Review: Two Ace Post-Rockers Return in a Big Way

February 10, 2014
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Exciting new LPs from two leading practitioners of post-rock — Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Have a Nice Life.

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Concert Review: Boston Symphony Orchestra plays Stucky, Schumann, and Brahms

February 10, 2014
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Pianist Murray Perahia’s return this weekend, with Schumann’s A minor Concerto, seemed tailor-made on paper: he’s one of the world’s great chamber musicians and this concerto plays to all his strengths.

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Rock Review: Arctic Monkeys Live at Agganis Arena — Living in the Now

February 9, 2014
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Not surprisingly, nearly half of the band’s 20-song set Thursday night was made up of “AM” songs. Despite the quality of the quartet’s first four albums, nobody seemed to mind.

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Fuse Book Review: Pussy Riot — The Price of Singing a Loud Song in the Savior’s Castle

February 9, 2014
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Most everyone has heard the faux-scandalous name. What has not been heard enough is that Pussy Riot are the purest and most potent expression of the punk-rock ethos ever.

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