
Jazz Concert Review: An Evening with Kirill Gerstein at Berklee or, The Jazz Piano Concerto, Part 2.5

April 1, 2012
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Like other great artists –- Martha Argerich and Steve Lacy come to mind right away — pianist Kirill Gerstein approaches every note with a sense of how important that note is in relation to every one that has come before and every one that is to come after.

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Classical Music Sampler: April 2012

April 1, 2012
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April is an unusually excellent month for Boston Symphony Orchestra concerts — a promisng match up of programs and conductors.

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Theater Review: All Glory to “Gatz” — “The Great Gatsby” Takes the Stage

March 31, 2012
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In “Gatz,” F Scott Fitzgerald’s words come at the audience like bullets because they are so relevant to so much of American life today. And create the kind of catharsis, that peculiar combination of pity and fear, that is the mark of truly great theater.

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Coming Attractions in Film: April 2012

March 31, 2012
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It’s film festival time! That means you need to stretch, exercise, and drink plenty of liquids because there’s a lot to see. The month is capped with an amazing line up of 66 features at the Independent Film Festival of Boston.

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Fuse Dispatches: The Benefits of Doubt — A Dispatch from the Second of William Kentridge’s Norton Lectures

March 30, 2012
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For William Kentridge history accrues, falls dead, is born, washes up, piles up, and may be artfully arranged, but the most powerful place that this accretion might happen is in the artist’s studio, which is a metonym for the human mind.

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Coming Attractions in Underground Music: April 2012

March 30, 2012
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April brings the Together Electronic Music Festival. I’ve listed my highlights.

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Book Review: “The Last Nude” — An Engaging Historical Fiction About Seductive Surfaces

March 30, 2012
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Even though she covers herself with demurely crossed arms, her gaze could burn holes through fabric. If it looks like the artist had a predilection for strong, bosomy girls, well, there’s a reason for that.

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Theater Review: Viva The Andersen Project — The Loneliness of Making Art

March 28, 2012
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Director Robert Lepage’s “The Andersen Project” is a masterful meditation on the agonizing process of artistic creation. Few scripts bring the mixed essence of opportunism and magic of show biz together so effortlessly.

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The Readable, Sociable Arts Fuse

March 27, 2012
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The Arts Fuse has added some new features that make us easier to read and share.

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Book Feature: A Conversation with Claude Lanzmann about his memoir, “The Patagonian Hare”

March 26, 2012
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Claude Lanzmann is a great raconteur who’s honed his narrative skills as a veteran journalist. His memoir is exuberant and provocative at its best; bombastic and superficial at its worst.

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