Susan Miron

Book Review: Learning from the Master — Elie Wiesel

November 27, 2018
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“I still remember; I sat in his class, and I felt my future changing as he spoke.”

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Book Review: Memories of Buczacz — Jewish History from the Bottom Up

November 18, 2018
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These extraordinary books from world-class writers are about reviving, through words, a now-derelict town and the lives of its ten thousand murdered Jews.

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Classical Music Review: Roustem Saïtkoulov — A Poet of the Piano

November 8, 2018
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Aside from his seemingly effortless technique, Roustem Saïtkoulov struck me as a poet of the piano. Music seems to be his first language.

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Classical Music Review: Skylark Vocal Ensemble — Astonishing Sounds

October 31, 2018
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Skylark performed an inventive and highly enjoyable program of music and tales from Norse Mythology and the land of the Vikings.

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Classical CD Review: Lorelei Ensemble’s “Impermanence” — Inspired

October 18, 2018
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Lorelei Ensemble’s latest recording is awe-inspiring.

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Book Review: Ilan Stavans — Literature as Resistance

October 13, 2018
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Ilan Stavans’ latest book is an engrossing potpourri of this thinker’s continuing thoughts about language, culture, and the self.

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Classical Music Review: Colin Carr’s Bach — A Trifecta of Beauty

July 16, 2018
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Colin Carr supplied an extraordinary performance of Bach’s Six Cello Suites.

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Classical CD Review: “Between The Notes – Music For Violin and Piano”

July 6, 2018
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Pianist Constantine Finehouse and violinist Daniel Kurganov are well-matched musicians, and have recorded a superb album.

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Concert Review: Masterworks Chorale — Bach to Bach

May 16, 2018
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Kevin Leong is unquestionably an inspired choice to lead this chorus.

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Concert Review: Emmanuel Music’s Late Night Show

May 1, 2018
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David Lang’s score is hypnotic, and Emmanuel Music’s quartet of singers gave wonderful renditions.

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