Viewers are invited to make what they will of the show’s images — to let their imaginations come up with their own expansive and beautiful stories.
Read More“Figures of Speech” is a kind of aesthetic/political injection: its messages are put across by pieces that seamlessly blend a number of genres, including sculpture, music, graphics, and film.
Read MoreNow 58, the noted choreographer’s succinct gestural language, coincident use of music and musical ideas, and spatial elasticity is now completely second nature.
Read MoreNo amount of postmodern theory can paper over the fact that a half-baked cake, even one made with tasty ingredients, fails to satisfy.
Read MoreAn annual gathering of superb new animation from around the world. This year’s standouts include “Oh Willy…” from Belgium and “Virtuoso Virtual” from Germany.
Read MoreThis unique and carefully constructed impressionistic narrative encourages viewers to free-associate, assess, and imagine the romantic relationship through the filter of their own memories and experiences.
Read MoreOver the next 90 minutes, Faye Driscoll and Aaron Mattocks stepped, bounced, shrieked and scrabbled through a series of 20 to 30-count episodes, much of it having to do with orality.
Read MoreHonesty is Best Policy Disclosure: I was in the hall to hear Mostly Other People Do the Killing. I’d heard the band on CD, and I knew that the only way I could appreciate them fully was to attend a performance.
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Visual Arts Commentary: Branded in Boston — Logos by Any Other Name
What’s up? Several public and private agencies have changed their graphic identities and even names.
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