
Theater Review: Double Edge Theatre’s “Shahrazad” — A Feast for Our Imaginations

August 1, 2014
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Shahrazad is the latest in Double Edge’s summer spectacles, and with this piece, director and designer Stacy Klein has found the perfect balance between story and visuals.

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Visual Arts Review: Jamie Wyeth at Boston’s MFA — Liberally Peppered with Shlock

July 31, 2014
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Awe-striking passages of deft realism are easy to find throughout the show. Wholly satisfying paintings, resolved from edge to edge and full of convincing purpose, are not.

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Film Review: “Code Black” – A Feel Good Documentary That is Difficult to Watch

July 30, 2014
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At its core, Code Black is about the struggle faced by young physicians who want to remain idealistic in the face of our failing health care system.

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Film Review: Scarlet Roots — Jean Renoir Inspires a Fritz Lang Film Noir

July 30, 2014
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The stupendous Fritz Lang retrospective running over the course of this summer at Harvard Film Archive will soon screen two Lang remakes (in America) of films directed by Jean Renoir.

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Music Review: The Yellowjackets — A Jazz Journey Across Decades and Styles

July 29, 2014
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Jazz buffs know about the Yellowjackets. This is a Grammy-winning band that writes and performs complicated, intricate compositions that cross countless boundaries and thus make them difficult to pigeon-hole.

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DVD/Blu-Ray Review: “A Hard Day’s Night” — Still Fun After Five Decades

July 28, 2014
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A Hard Day’s Night stands as a landmark in rock history because it exemplifies the Beatles’s joyously innocent starting point — today it delivers an irresistible sonic joy that comes from listening to songs that still rock after fifty years.

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CD Review: Shabazz Palaces’ “Lese Majesty” — Out-of-This-World Hip-Hop

July 28, 2014
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Some listeners are undoubtedly going to dismiss Lese Majesty as a collection of vignettes or motifs, formless for all intents and purposes. That would be a shame.

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Book Review: An Evocative Biography of Zionist Agitator and Writer Vladmir Jabotinsky

July 27, 2014
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There’s room to wonder if Vladmir Jabotinsky would have accepted Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu as his legitimate Zionist heirs.

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Jazz CD Review: Pianist Fred Hersch’s “Floating” – A Constant Delight

July 25, 2014
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Pianist Fred Hersch’s ballad playing is one of the special treats in contemporary jazz.

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Movie Review: “And So It Goes” — A Synthetic Slice of Boomer Banality

July 25, 2014
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This kind of faux-inspirational drivel has Hollywood privilege written all over it.

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