
Short Fuse Film Review: “Computer Chess” — An Engaging Dream

July 29, 2013
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The eccentric and charming “Computer Chess” focuses on a group of geeks concentrating on what they see as the infinite microcosm to be found on the sixty four squares of the chess board.

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Film Review: “Museum Hours” — A Slice of Sleepy Intellectualism

July 25, 2013
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Critics have been more than kind to “Museum Hours,” respectful of its sleepy intellectualism in a 2013 summer of brainless action flicks.

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Film Review: “Only God Forgives” — A Pseudo-Greek Tragedy

July 19, 2013
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Director Refn’s craftsmanship isn’t in doubt here, just whether this deadening story was worth all the effort.

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Fuse News Film Review: “Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me” — A Band That’s Famous for Not Being Famous

July 19, 2013
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Here’s a band I’ve been listening to for more than a decade, whose music has always had the power to absolutely level me, and it never even occurred to me that I knew next to nothing about them!

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Fuse News: Arts and Culture Tips — What Will Light Your Fire This Week

July 18, 2013
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Arts Fuse critics select the best in music, theater, and film that’s coming up this week.

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Concert/Film Review: “West Side Story” On the Big Screens at Tanglewood

July 15, 2013
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To my ears, the Boston Symphony Orchestra—supplemented by saxophones, guitar, and mandolin—sounded overblown and unbalanced, oddly tinny at times (perhaps because of the amplification), glorious at others.

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Film Review: A Likable Coming-of-Age Story: “The Way, Way Back”

July 14, 2013
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Stuffed with familiar themes from coming-of-age classics like “The Summer of 42,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and “Moonrise Kingdom,” “The Way, Way Back” is a long stretch from its predecessors, but the film is salvaged by a terrific cast.

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Film Review: “Your Day Is My Night” — An Innovative Look Inside a NYC Chinatown Apartment

July 12, 2013
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Director Sachs calls “Your Day is My Night” a “hybrid documentary,” with real-life stories told by middle-aged and elderly Chinese immigrants presented in a honed, often theatrical, style rather than as verité oral histories.

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Film Review: “The Tomi Ungerer Story” — Too Minor An Artist, Too Much Self-Adoration

July 12, 2013
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Does every semi-famous person deserve a full-length documentary about them?

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Fuse News: Arts and Culture Tips — What Will Light Your Fire This Week

July 11, 2013
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Arts Fuse critics select the best in music, theater, visual art, and film that’s coming up this week. A new feature!

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