
Coming Attractions in Jazz: Autumn Festivals 2012

September 14, 2012
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From the Berkshires to Cape Cod, and with a major stop in Beantown, Massachusetts is the place to be for the autumn jazz festival season.

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Book Review: “The Greatcoat” – A Great Ghost Story?

September 12, 2012
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I can say, without equivocation, that Helen Dunmore’s novel “The Greatcoat” is no “The Turn of the Screw.”

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Book Commentary/Review: Imagine There Are No Negative Reviews — It’s Not So Easy If You Try

September 10, 2012
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Who has taken criticism out of the hands of the “true critics”? Is someone making me read rancid Amazon reader reviews? Where do we look for the “true critics”?

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Stage Interview: Cracking Eggs to Make An Omelet —Talking to Israeli novelist and playwright A.B. Yehoshua

September 8, 2012
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The latest play by the celebrated Israeli writer A.B. Yehoshua is a historical drama that revolves around an imaginary conversation between two major political rivals about Zionism and the founding of Israel. Israeli Stage is presenting the American premiere of a staged reading of the script.

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Fuse Book Review: “The Woman Reader” — The Sounds of Silence

September 8, 2012
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In the encyclopedic, fascinating, and intermittently infuriating “The Woman Reader,” author Belinda Jack argues that we should not fear the battle between paper vs. pixels, but value reading and the ways it nourishes a woman’s inner life.

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Book Interview: Literary Crusaders of The Gilded Age —Tackling the Great American Railroad

September 6, 2012
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“The Great American Railroad War” reminds us of an inspired journalistic reaction to the crimes of an earlier age of robber baron.

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Poetry Review: Jane Shore’s “That Said” — Early and Late

August 24, 2012
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If the poems in “That Said: New and Selected Poems” had been ordered differently, the volume would have made more of its virtues.

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Fuse Book Commentary: A Case for Negative Book Reviews

August 22, 2012
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Why does Laura Miller feel, given her belief that negative reviews are often useless, that she has to kick criticism while it is down? Why argue against the efforts of a small number of delusional reviewers in major publications who continue to speak fruitless negativity to the indifferent masses?

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Book Review: “The Barcelona Brothers” — A Nasty Piece of Spanish Noir

August 22, 2012
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International noir novels no longer revolve around exotic police procedurals or gimmicky detective stories. They aim to pound readers into the pavement.

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Commentary/Review: Book Critics — “Fire the Bastards!” or Judging the Judges

August 20, 2012
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“New York Times” Book Critic Dwight Garner makes salient points about the need for incisive criticism, claiming that too much happy talk denies common sense and undercuts credibility. But the ‘gonzo’ masterwork “Fire the Bastards!” hammers the point home much more memorably.

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