Blake Maddux

Music Interview: The Flamin’ Groovies—”The most famous unknown band in the world”

November 24, 2015
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Cyril Jordan of The Flamin’ Goovies talks about smoking pot with Ted Kennedy and impressing The Rolling Stones.

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Fuse Interview: Linda Hirshman on How Female Supremes Changed the World

November 10, 2015
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“The question is what piece of the American experience is next going to add the richness of its voice to the Supreme Court.

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Book Review: “The Law of the Land” — How Geography Influenced the Constitution

August 11, 2015
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It is nice to know that there is someone as cultivated and enthusiastic about constitutional history as Professor Akhil Reed Amar.

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Fuse CD Review: The Old Ceremony – Not Just Cool By Association

July 25, 2015
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None of these pedigrees guaranteed that The Old Ceremony’s music would live up to the promise. After all, cool by association does not equal great on one’s own.

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Fuse Album Review: Singer Songwriter Bryan McPherson — Protester and Performer

June 23, 2015
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Bryan McPherson has come a long way from writing songs in the room next to mine in North Cambridge and then busking at Porter and Harvard Squares.

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Book Interview: When Did America Become a Christian Nation?

May 27, 2015
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“Yes, America might have been a nation of Christians, but that was different from being formally a Christian nation.”

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Music Interview: Andrew Grant Jackson on 1965, Music’s ‘Annus Mirabilis’

April 21, 2015
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1965 was the year in which the leading artists in American and British popular music pushed themselves beyond making albums that mixed covers with subpar originals.

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Book Review: “Shame” — Racism and the Sins of Paternalistic Liberalism

April 8, 2015
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According to Shelby Steele, white liberals “dissociate” themselves from the past sins of white America by subscribing to the “poetic truth” that the United States is “characterologically evil.”

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Book Review: “Madison’s Music” — Listen to the Melody of the First Amendment?

March 12, 2015
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If James Madison was so verbose that his draft version of the First Amendment could be cut in half, then he can hardly be called an artist with words.

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Book Review: “American Justice 2014” — A Sturdy Look at the Current Supreme Court

February 7, 2015
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The most important takeaway from American Justice 2014 is the potential danger, from Epps’s perspective, of the growing influence of Justice Alito.

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