
Book Review: “Goyhood” — A Rambunctious Romp and a Novel of Ideas

July 18, 2024
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“Goyhood” can be larger than life, and its plot is a real doozy, but this isn’t a lightly comic excursion: the religious and social consternations that roil the brothers Belkin are as earnest as they are outlandish. 

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Book Review: “The Red Balcony” — A Novel About the Muddled Predicament of the Diaspora Jew

April 12, 2023
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The plot of The Red Balcony ticks along briskly. Jonathan Wilson is a gifted narrator and scene-maker.

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Book Review: A Memorial to Lucette Lagnado’s Two Remarkable Memoirs

August 29, 2019
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To have such a remarkably courageous voice as Lucette Lagnado’s silenced forever at such a young age is, simply, not fair.

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Film Review: Boston Jewish Film Festival — A Powerful “Bulgarian Rhapsody”

November 6, 2015
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The history lesson embedded in Bulgarian Rhapsody is subtle yet also packs a wallop.

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Fuse Film Review: An Awkward But Important “Orchestra of Exiles”

November 25, 2012
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With his biopic “Orchestra of Exiles,” director Josh Aronson has done an at times awkward, but important, cut and paste job of history and biography.

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Book Feature: A Conversation with Claude Lanzmann about his memoir, “The Patagonian Hare”

March 26, 2012
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Claude Lanzmann is a great raconteur who’s honed his narrative skills as a veteran journalist. His memoir is exuberant and provocative at its best; bombastic and superficial at its worst.

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Stage Interview: Israeli Stage and “Apples From The Desert”

March 23, 2012
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Israeli Stage’s readings are consistently the best attended in the Boston area, thus demonstrating that there is a great appetite for Israeli culture beyond folk dance and hummus.

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Theater Review: Freedom for “The Whipping Man”

March 11, 2012
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An unusual and powerful historical drama that looks at the troubled relationship between Jews and freed slaves at the end of The Civil War.

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Book Review: An Outstanding “List”

November 30, 2011
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Although he has set himself an ambitious task with all that is happening in “The List,” Martin Fletcher has complete command of this material and has created a complex novel that is also a good thriller.

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Movie Review: Boston Jewish Film Festival — Neighbors Near and Far

November 5, 2011
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Congratulations to the Boston Jewish Film Festival are certainly due to its longevity and general quality.

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