
Music Commentary: Vinyl Resting Place – How To Love LPs Not Too Much But Well

March 1, 2014
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The LP format has had mobs of claims made about it over the years, some silly, some solid. As an old platter-flipper pro, here’s my take on some of them.

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Music Remembrance: February 9th, 1964 — “Hey, You Kids Want Tickets to See the Beatles?”

February 6, 2014
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Arts Fuse writer Tim Jackson recalls the impact of being in the audience of the “Ed Sullivan Show” fifty years ago.

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Fuse Appreciation: The Late Pete Seeger — Creating Music on a Human Scale

February 1, 2014
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One of the more fascinating contributions Pete Seeger made to our collective musical sensibility was the effortless way in which he introduced what we now call “world music” to his audiences.

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Fuse Film Commentary: The Decimation of the Independents — Some Solutions

January 30, 2014
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The major film companies must divest themselves of their independent arms (which are anything but independent) and allow a return to the system that was in place for decades until greed and cinematic carpet bagging crushed it.

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Movie Commentary: Handicapping the Oscars

January 17, 2014
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The nominees for Best Picture are a deserving lot, except for “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which is a bloated mess of a movie that is an hour too long .

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CriticIsm Commentary: The Welcome Buccaneers of Arts Criticism

January 13, 2014
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“Criticism will always have the force of the child in the story about the emperor’s new clothes, because there will always be naked emperors who everybody says are wearing today’s Crown Jewels.” — Eric Bentley

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Jazz Review / Commentary: Brian Carpenter’s Ghost Train Orchestra and Some Notes on “Irony”

December 27, 2013
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Brian Carpenter and the Ghost Train Orchestra are not about re-creating either hot jazz from the ’20s or novelty works from the ’30s and ’40s. They’re interested in capturing the spirit that they perceive to be inside these almost-forgotten pieces and using that spirit to make original new music.

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Film Commentary: You Know It When You See It — Desire and “Blue is the Warmest Color”

December 22, 2013
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Without its many steamy lesbian sex interludes tarting up what could otherwise be classified as a routine narrative, would “Blue is the Warmest Color” have garnered so many rave reviews and prizes?

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Film Commentary: A Contrarian View of “12 Years a Slave”

November 17, 2013
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Why haven’t more movies been made about American slavery? Hollywood studio racism is certainly a prime factor; but even for determined anti-racists, there’s also the aesthetic problem of creating a compelling film drama.

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Music Commentary: Capleton’s Redemption Song?

November 14, 2013
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Capleton’s cancellation at Boston’s Hibernian Hall shows that reggae stars can’t easily escape their anti-gay discographies.

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