Robert Scanlan

Theater Interview: “Mistero Buffo” — Seriously Funny

March 22, 2016
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Socialism is no longer a discredited word, and Fo brings an impish sense of divine comedy to the clash between the haves and the have nots.

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Stage Interview: Robert Scanlan on Samuel Beckett’s Women

September 9, 2015
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“When we turn so crass and commercial that we have lost our way, Samuel Beckett will be rediscovered as the way back.”

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Theater Review: “Albatross” — A Return to Theater as Poetry

May 18, 2015
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Albatross is terrific — a powerful script, vital performance, and imaginative stage design.

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Poetry Review: “The Collected Poems of Samuel Beckett” — Castings

October 28, 2014
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Have we been missing a major poet while we celebrated a great dramatist and the most influential fiction writer of the second half of the twentieth century?

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Theater Interview: Wordsmiths Strike Back — The Poets’ Theatre Redux

September 6, 2014
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We intend to stage work by all the living American poets we can lure into our sphere: starting right here in Cambridge.

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Book Review: Samuel Beckett’s “Echo’s Bones” — Anticipation of Masterpieces to Come

June 23, 2014
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Echo’s Bones is a fascinating immersion, somewhat inept in its means, but sincere and gravely serious, in a subject that Samuel Beckett made increasingly his own.

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