Search Results: maristed

Streaming Docs — Autumn 2019

October 27, 2019
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Wondering where to find the best documentaries on digital platforms? Look no further.

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Rethinking the Repertoire #9 – Amy Beach’s “Gaelic” Symphony

March 10, 2016
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So, is the “Gaelic” Symphony an unalloyed masterpiece? I’d argue in the affirmative.

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Coming Attractions: What Will Light Your Fire This Week

February 14, 2014
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Arts Fuse critics select the best in music, dance, film, and theater that’s coming up this week.

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Theater Review Round-up: Our Man in London

September 2, 2009
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It should be pointed out that in London it is possible to see more shows in a limited time than one can do in the United States. Why? Because it has long been the sensible practice to stagger weekday matinees. By Caldwell Titcomb Shakespeare first, of course. The British quite rightly never tire of “Hamlet.”…

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Book Review: Denis Johnson’s Plays in Verse — The Art of Talking with the Devil

October 18, 2012
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One answer to the question of “Why two plays in verse?” might be that Denis Johnson is a writer relentlessly in pursuit of new forms, and new formal challenges—a literary daredevil always looking for a new vehicle to take for a thrill ride.

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Arts Commentary: Reviewing Music, Re-viewed

July 14, 2020
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Our opera-loving reviewer contrasts his own pieces, written 48 years apart, on the same Offenbach operetta.

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Film Review: Acknowledging Jean Epstein — Brilliant Maverick Filmmaker and Critic

January 29, 2016
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Jean Epstein’s body of work is full of pleasures and surprises: this vigorous director broke ground for filmmakers and cinematic movements to come.

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Arts Interview: The Late E.L. Doctorow — Reduced to Art

July 24, 2015
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“When people ask how I became interested in history, I answer it was through an interest in popular culture and disreputable genres.”

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Movie Review: The Ten Best Films of 2013 — Our Lists

December 28, 2013
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The most unfairly maligned film of the year: Ridley Scott’s “The Counselor.” The most overrated movie of the year, which gave me a mammoth headache: “American Hustle.”

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Poetry Review: Nobel Laureate Tomas Tranströmer’s Divided Self

January 20, 2012
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Certainly part of the power of Tomas Tranströmer’s poetry resides in how, having established a jagged consciousness, he leaves us in between—in a world full of questions that are not easily resolved.

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