David D'Arcy

Visual Arts Review: Italian Futurism — The Future That Wasn’t

May 9, 2014
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Futurism, as the Italian proponents conceived of it, ended up not having much of a future. But its practitioners had some good days at the beginning.

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Visual Arts Review: “Maus” and More — Art Spiegelman at the Jewish Museum

November 21, 2013
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Art Spiegelman believes that “MAD” magazine was more subversive for his generation of protesters than either marijuana or LSD. It certainly radicalized him.

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Visual Arts Review: Winslow Homer at The Clark – The Painter and the Printmaker that Almost Was

August 21, 2013
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No one associates Winslow Homer with abstraction, but Sleigh Ride (1893) indicates that he at times ventured into the non-figurative borders of landscape painting Edgar Degas was exploring in France at the same time.

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World Music Feature: A Prodigy Re-Emerges in Jerusalem – at 90

August 15, 2013
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If the music that can touch you so deeply with so few notes weren’t so magical, there’s also Emahoy Tsegue-Mariam Guebru’s fascinating back-story.

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