Israeli Stage

Theater Review: “The Last Act” — Underdone

May 24, 2018
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Joshua Sobol isn’t interested in exploring dramatic possibilities but making sure his equation about the inevitable mechanics of violence works out.

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Theater Review: Israeli Stage’s “The Hearing” — Academic Freedom, Under Pressure

November 27, 2017
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Scripts like The Hearing also provide an optic through which to examine our own nation’s problems.

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Theater Review: Did You Hear the One About the Lawyer With the Cellphone? – “Kol’s Last Call”

October 19, 2017
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An entertaining but surprisingly slight monologue from Israeli playwright Joshua Sobol.

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Theater Review: “Days of Atonement” — Sin Overload

June 7, 2017
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There are just too many traumas on Hasfari’s checklist, too little time allotted to dramatic depth.

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Theater Review: “Happy Ending” — A Dark Comedy About Terminal Cancer

November 16, 2016
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Seeing Happy Ending a few days after the shock of the 2016 presidential election felt bracing to me.

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Fuse Theater Review: Israeli Stage’s “Fertile” — Powerful Theater About Difference

September 24, 2016
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Romona Lisa Alexander’s impressive talent for chameleonic invention is well-suited to this demanding script.

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Theater Review: “Oh God” — An Audacious Israeli Comedy

July 17, 2016
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Anat Gov’s play about wrestling with life and God is an outrageously provocative script that showcases the best of contemporary Israeli art.

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Theater Review: “Oh God” – Psychoanalysis Saves The World!

April 27, 2016
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Maureen Keiller and Will Lyman have performed numerous staged readings of Oh God and their intimate knowledge of the text shows.

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Theater Review: At Israeli Stage—Alma Weich Places a “Price Tag” on Violence

December 2, 2015
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The timeliness of this staged reading made for one of the most heated and engaged talk-backs for any of the presentations in Israeli Stage’s six-year history.

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Theater Review: “The Strawberry Girl” — Harvest of Horror

September 24, 2015
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Israeli Stage has opened its sixth season, which is dedicated exclusively to female playwrights, with a haunting work that examines the complicity of an ordinary German in the Holocaust.

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