Michael Strand

Visual Arts Review: “Hana Miletić: Soft Services” — The Power of Folds

June 9, 2024
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In her insightful commentaries and art, Hana Miletić demonstrates how labor and materiality reflect subtexts of power, ranging from the “soft” to the “hard.”

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Visual Arts Review: The Unbearable Lightness of Watercolor at the Harvard Art Museums

August 1, 2023
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Among the usual suspects and idiosyncratic specimens, a handful of landscape paintings, prosaic portraits, and transcendent abstract works defy watercolor’s association with lightheartedness.

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Visual Arts Review: Marks from Elsewhere — Cy Twombly and Léonie Guyer

February 28, 2023
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It’s no wonder poets have been drawn to write about Guyer and Twombly’s work. We are carried away by an art that is always immediate, hic et nunc, but elsewhere too.

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