
Dissident Chinese Writer Liao Yiwu—Travel Denied

March 5, 2010
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by Bill Marx On his way to the Cologne literature festival earlier this week, dissident Chinese writer Liao Yiwu was escorted off the plane by the Chinese authorities and handed over to the police for interrogation. He has sent an open letter to the world, available in English, asking for help.

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World Books: Poet Liao Yiwu — Memories of the Tiananmen Square “Massacre”

May 29, 2009
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June 3rd marks the 20th anniversary of the brutal suppression of the Tiananmen student movement. To mark the occasion, excerpts from “Massacre,” an epic poem about the violence that landed the writer in jail.

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Notes From the Epicenter of the Earthquake

May 16, 2008
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By Bill Marx and Wen Huang Dissident Chinese writer Liao Yiwu lives near the epicenter of the earthquake in Sichuan province. His home is about 17 miles from the school where hundreds of students were trapped. Miraculously, his building survived, though there are several giant cracks in the concrete stairway. In his immediate area more…

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