Jytte Klausen

Culture Vulture: Interview with Prof. Jytte Klausen

August 14, 2009
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by Helen Epstein Go here for information about a live-chat, scheduled for August 23rd, with Helen Epstein on “The Art of Narrative Writing.” HE: How did this situation evolve? JK: The basic facts are in the “NY Times” story. Yale University told the press to remove the illustrations: first the cartoons, then a second illustration,…

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Culture Vulture: The Cartoons That Still Shake The World

August 13, 2009
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Can you imagine a scholarly press publishing a book about the Mona Lisa without a reproduction of the painting? Or, perhaps a more pertinent example, a book about anti-Semitic stereotypes without an illustration of them? Brandeis professor and author Jytte Klausen was asked to sign what she called a “gag order” by Yale University Press.…

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