Bright Shiny Things

Classical Album Reviews: Avalon String Quartet and Decoda

July 1, 2024
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The debut album of Decoda, the first – and, so far, only – affiliate ensemble of Carnegie Hall, and a disc featuring a trio of works by two mid-century Chicago-based composers, Florence Price and Leo Sowerby.

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Classical Album Review: Experiential Orchestra’s “American Counterpoints” — Fine Music Hiding in Plain Sight

June 1, 2024
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There’s no question that either the violinist or the orchestra are completely at home with Julia Perry’s larger style or the notes: this is about as confident and secure a first recording as they come.

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Classical Album Review: What Is American — PUBLIQuartet

July 28, 2022
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American-ness in music is impossible to define and constantly in flux, yet the threads that connect it all together – at once beautiful, tragic, humorous, ironic, whimsical – are all somehow recognizable.

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November Short Fuses – Materia Critica

November 4, 2021
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Each month, our arts critics — music, book, theater, dance, and visual arts — fire off a few brief reviews.

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