Submitting Poetry to The Arts Fuse
By John Mulrooney
Poetry Editor of The Arts Fuse
The magazine seeks poetry submissions for inclusion in its Poetry at Arts Fuse feature. If you wish to have your work considered — and are confident that it will meet our high standards — please submit up to five previously unpublished poems to
Please include:
Your submission in a Word (or word compatible) file
Your submission as pdf
a photo (and photo credit)
a (short) bio
an address to which the check will be sent.
Please note that the particularities of the online platform make poems for which layout is typographically straightforward our preference.
Thanks very much for letting us consider your work. Please allow as much as 4-6 weeks for response.
John Mulrooney is a poet, filmmaker, and musician living in Cambridge. He is the author of a chapbook, If You See Something, Say Something, from the Anchorite Press and co-producer of the award-winning documentary The Peacemaker, from Central Square Films. For ten years, he was the principal organizer of the Boston Poetry Marathon and serves as poetry editor for Boog City. He is a Professor of English at Bridgewater State University.